
Norfolk, United Kingdom

May 25 at 09:43 AM


Ok Beaux our frenchie knows the sound of my phone alarm and that when it goes off it means it’s time to pick my daughter up from work. He loves to come with me in the car for a ride. So when my alarm goes off he jumps up all over me and is like ‘ok I’m ready, let’s go, let’s go!’

Not so great when the same alarm is used on tv programmes. He can be sound asleep at any time of the day or night and he hears that alarm go off and he is up and ready to go!!! 🤦🏼‍♀️

May 23 at 08:35 AM

He’s 3 months old x



May 23 at 05:58 AM

We’ve just got a new addition to the family. Meet Boss 🥰


May 21 at 02:05 PM

I have two French bulldogs and agree with Caitlin they are such lovely dogs x

May 21 at 02:03 PM

Hi Kelly, he loves it! Me? Not so much, it’s freezing!! x


May 21 at 10:08 AM

Beautiful Beaux posing at the seaside 🐾