Chrissy Salvo

New Portland, ME, United States

May 15 at 06:17 PM

Thank you! I never knew about the oatmeal and aloe bath option!! My dog gets seasonal allergies and this sounds like a nice way to help ease them.


May 15 at 06:12 PM

Does anyone else's dog get seasonal allergies? Blizz's are so bad this year!! I usually don't have to give him meds but he is very gunky and boogary. Has anyone ever given their dog meds for allergies? I will of course talk to our vet, just curious what others do.


May 15 at 06:04 PM

Kelly! It can be a tricky thing to navigate! Having a larger breed myself (husky), I try to be respectful that some people are nervous around big dogs. You can usually tell by a person's body language if they are receptive or not. If the person looks scared or not interested in Blizz coming up to them, I just lead Blizz away. The funny thing is, Blizz is the sweetest guy and won't jump or anything. Oh well!


May 15 at 06:00 PM

I hear ya Sandra. Blizz always puts on some weight during the winter months. Maybe you could join a walking challenge? Commit to a realistic goal like 1 and 1/2 miles a day or something.I know sometimes I have to also watch what I'm feeding Blizz. I swear we spoil these guys too much sometimes! It can be so hard to say no when they are begging for treats. 😂

May 15 at 05:58 PM
