
Buffalo, NY, United States

Jun 05 at 08:38 PM

Welcome 👋🏻

May 29 at 03:26 PM

Woahhh Joey sounds like fun! Congrats on the wedding. I would recommend practicing with the dog carrier and getting him used to it. Good luck!


May 28 at 07:18 PM

Fi awww love to hear it. I’ve always thought about getting a second pup.


May 28 at 06:33 AM


Photo proof


May 28 at 06:30 AM

I would say too many to name… but one thing is that Fritz ALWAYS has to snuggle into as many blankets and pillows as possible. The couch is his fave spot (he basically refuses to sleep in his dog bed)


May 28 at 06:27 AM

That’s great that he loves car rides. Haha I can relate to the TV program setting him off. Fritz always reacts to other dogs barking (even when it’s on the television 🤪)


Commented on Good Morning!

May 28 at 06:25 AM

Stoppppp, love how they are all smiling 🤣

May 28 at 06:24 AM

Wowwwww, this crew looks like a bunch of cuddle bugs! Love that you have sisters.

Commented on Good Morning!

May 27 at 03:35 PM

Squad goals!

May 27 at 03:34 PM

Flip sounds like a cool guy 😎