
Buffalo, NY, United States

Jul 30 at 08:45 AM

Wowwww he is beautiful!!!

Jul 29 at 04:08 AM

YES!!!!! Love this.


Jun 28 at 09:44 AM

“Quit your job, be a stay at home dog dad” -Fritz


Jun 25 at 07:23 AM

My dog also acts like he is 80 some days 🤣

Commented on post was deleted

Jun 25 at 07:22 AM

So sorry for your loss Jackie. Gracie sounds like she was a real spunky pup who loved her best life. ❤️

Commented on Puppy Roll Call!

Jun 21 at 07:35 PM

Happy 4th birthday!

Jun 21 at 07:34 PM

Omgggg was the kid upset or thought it was funny?

Jun 21 at 07:33 PM

When Fritz was a puppy- he jumped on my parents kitchen table and ate an entire stick of butter in under 20 seconds. It was not a good night!

Jun 17 at 09:26 AM

Thanks!! I never knew about contact time playing a role.

Jun 14 at 06:32 PM

Wooooah I’ve never heard of waterless shampoo for dogs 🤯
