
Boston, MA, United States

Jun 26 at 07:55 AM

For some reason I think the name Henrietta is so cute and funny. Like your own personal little grandma Sandra

Jun 21 at 09:44 AM

Ohhhhhh boy where do I start? So Porky is very spunky. He loves to run around and be chased. He gets jealous when I am watching TV and on more than one occasion has decided to steal the remote from me run around the house with the TV flipping channels and turning off and on. It looks like we're being haunted but really Porky is just living his best life 


Commented on Just another day.

Jun 21 at 09:41 AM


Jun 11 at 08:27 AM

That second photo is so precious. What breed? Anna Czechowska

Jun 11 at 08:25 AM

Adorable! Can't wait too see the post with Max and Lady!! Fi

Jun 11 at 08:25 AM

Is Timber the one falling over? Seems like a fitting name! Lol Jaimie Chapman

Jun 11 at 08:24 AM

Aww why does this look like a 90's grunge album cover to me hahaha what's their band name?! Claire

Jun 11 at 08:23 AM

Honestly? We treat our dog like he runs the house. He calls the shots when he gets food, snacks, walks...It's not the BEST for raising a dog but do as I say, not as I do! Lol. That's probably his favorite part about being in our family 😂

Jun 11 at 08:21 AM

Omg that is amazing!!!! I bet they have so much fun at work Rob

May 21 at 12:25 PM

Woohoo let's gooooo Muffin Chops!!!