
Philadelphia, PA, United States

May 23 at 10:05 AM

OMG he kind of looks like Stitch from Lilo & Stitch!! Cheri

May 20 at 10:29 AM

That’s so tough :/ poor Fritz. Maybe he just needs a little work on socialization! Landon


May 20 at 10:28 AM

Aw poor baby. It’s really hard to leave them too! You just wish you could explain that you’ll be back soon Linda Kahn


May 18 at 09:02 AM

A message of comfort to the parents who worry about leaving their dogs with dog sitters: My dog is very shy and doesn't do well being left alone for long periods of time, but we went out of town and had to leave her with somebody on Rover. She ended up having a great time and even making a friend with one of the other dogs staying there! (My dog is on the right, new friend dog on the left). 


May 18 at 08:59 AM

I second the walking challenge! My dog lost a pound after we had a more regimented walking schedule with with (which is a lot off of a 15lb dog). Sandra

May 18 at 08:57 AM

Yes! We give my dog children's allergy pills. It was actually recommended by out veterinarian. Sometimes we have to hide the pill in peanut butter because she doesn't want to take it, but it usually helps! Chrissy Salvo


May 15 at 10:09 AM

I second this!

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May 07 at 09:10 AM

Human years!!! She is made of steel so I wouldn't put it past her to be the first dog to live to 30 😂

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May 07 at 08:57 AM

Awwww that is so cute. Did you get to pop in and make dog friends?!

May 05 at 10:35 AM


Oh snap can Gracie and Porky be friends?! I have a party pic of Gracie too! They can party together!!